Wednesday 21 September 2011

google plus

Google Plus Users 2-3 Times More Likely to Post Privately
Today at the Strata Summit on Big Data Google's dley Horowitz noted an intriguing statistic about Google Plus usage users of Google Plus are two to three times as likely to post content to private circles than they are to ...

Google Plus goes public
The Nation - Thailand's most updated English news website Breaking news Thai business news english news in thailand Thai politics news Thai Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra fuel prices government policies ...

Not Google Plus
Not Google Plus. By Scott Beale on September 21 2011 ... Google Releases New Google Voice Mobile Web App For iPhone & Palm WebOS. - Doodle 4 Google Inviting ... Google Announces New Open Source Operating System Google OS ...

Google Plus & the Data Scientist Who's Navigating It to Hell
"Our ambition is to up-level the model of social networking. We want to support asymmetric relationss with nds and celebrities - but we also wanted to support intimate communication with real life friends and family.

Google Plus Opens to All & Announces 9 New Features
Just ahead of Facebook's f8 Conference Google has announced nine new features for Google Plus and there are some doozies. First of all the social network is now open to the public. No sign-up required. Just go to ...

Web Ink Now Google Plus now open to everyone
Google Plus (Google or just G) is the fastest growing social network in history. It launched in late June as invitation only in just two weeks had reached 10 million users. The G iPhone app has been the most popular...