Thursday, 8 September 2011

soulja boy

Real Soldier Wants Soulja Boy Banned from U.S. Military Bases ...
Soulja Boy is drawing fire from the entire U.S. Armed Forces -- and a retired Army sergeant is leading the charge with a rap response to Soulja's

Soulja Boy Apologizes to Soldier Boys Rolling Stone Music
Soulja Boy apologized yesterday for lyrics in his song Let's Be Real that have offended some members of the U.S. Army leading to reports that stores.

TMZ Live 9/6/11 Does Soulja Boy Have the Right to Rip the Military ...
Soulja Boy apologizes for ripping the U.S Military -- the same military fighting to protect his right to free speech. So was the apology necessary ...

Military Stores -- We're BOYCOTTING Soulja Boy
A system of stores run by the United States Department of Defense will NOT be stocking Soulja Boy 's upcoming album -- so long as it contains the

Soulja Boy -- Army-Bashing Song WON'T Be On My New Album ...
Soulja Boy and his management team are SCRAMBLING to remove all traces of the rapper's army-bashing song from the Internet -- and they swear ... it won't

Army Bans Soulja Boy Over "F The Army Troops" Lyrics News One
After rapper Soulja Boy said F--k the FBI and the army troops ... fighting for what? in a recent song the military has banned Soulja Boy albums from Army and Air Force Exchange Service stores.