Saturday, 10 September 2011


Woman Leprosy Patient in Sudan Women News Network
(WNN) SUDAN One of the 321 people in a village of 3000 residents living with leprosy in a leper colony founded in 1952. A small clinic that has received support from the German Leprosyociation treats those living in the ...

qix Leprosy or Hansen's disease (HD) Leprosy Mycobacterium ...
Leprosy or Hansen's disease (HD) is a chronic disease caused by the bacteria Mycobacterium leprae and Mycobacterium lepromatosis. Named after physician Gerhard Armauer Hansen leprosy is primarily a granulomatous ...

Leprosy patient in Sudan A Fast Post
Leprosy patient in Sudan one of the 325 people in a village of 3000 inhabitants with leprosy in a leper colony founded in 1952.

Leprosy cases in Volta Region reduces
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Leprosy in India down but not out Azad
Leprosy is down but not out in India as the disfiguring disease -- though with case numbers coming down -- is expected to continue for many years to come

The history of leprosy - O Say Can You See?
Museums play an important role as gatekeepers to public memory deciding which events and experiences to preserve so that we may never forget and learn from the past. Considering the enormous effort required to account ...